The pie gods have smiled down upon us and graced us with this savory, cheesy, bacon-y treat just in time for March 14th, also known as "Pi Day" (because it's 3.14—get it?). Praise be!

Not only is this breakfast pie crazy-out-of-this-world-good, but it's also super easy to make. Anyone can whip up this one-dish meal by filling a Pillsbury pie crust with cheese, hash browns, green onions, and crumbled bacon as featured in this recipe. Bake it for 35 minutes, and then create a lattice top with strips of bacon brushed with some maple syrup, then bake again. And voila—the tastiest breakfast pie ever is complete.

While making this delicious dish is obviously the best way to celebrate Pi Day, you can also pin this recipe and make it again for Easter brunch get-togethers. Or, thinking even further ahead, how great would it be to prep this on Christmas Eve to serve on Christmas morning while your family opens gifts? Hello, stress-free, bacon-filled holiday!

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You can find the full recipe, created by Daring Gourmet, over at Tablespoon. And for more recipes to celebrate, check out Pinterest's Pi(e) Day board

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