Though you can always rely on your coffee maker to brew up some morning magic that'll jumpstart your day, you can't rely on that coffee maker to keep itself clean. Just as you have to manually clean your electric kettle and clean your dishwasher, coffee makers are another kitchen appliance that require regular washings to avoid the accumulation of bacteria and buildup. Coffee grounds leave residue in the brew basket, and when you don't descale your coffee maker, you end up with bitter-tasting brew—and worse still, you could end up developing yeast and mold in the reservoir.

If you want to keep your machine running well and your coffee tasting fresh, then here's what you should know about how to clean a coffee maker (and if you have a Keurig coffee machine, then we have tips for how to clean your Keurig, too).

How often should you clean your coffee maker?

You should be washing the outside and all removable parts of your coffee maker with dish soap after every use, including the filter basket the coffee grounds go in and the pot itself. You should also decalcify your coffee maker every month with a combination of vinegar and water or descaling solution to remove any mineral buildup.

How do you clean the outside of a coffee maker?

To clean the outside of your coffee machine, use a wet, soapy, lint-free cloth or sponge to wipe down the inner lid, outer lid, and brewing area in order to remove any residue. Dampen a cloth in fresh water to wipe away any soap residue, and then leave the lid open so the machine can air dry completely. Be sure to never submerge your coffee maker in water.

How do you clean the individual parts of a coffee maker?

Once the outside of your coffee maker is clean, then you want to wash all removable parts of the machine with warm, soapy water, including the inside and outside of the coffee pot and the filter basket. You can also clean dishwasher-safe pieces in the dishwasher if you want to give them a really thorough cleaning.

If your carafe is looking dingy even after a cleaning, then you can put warm, soapy water and a handful of rice into the pot and swirl the solution around. After, dump out the rice and water and scrub the carafe to unlock any grime before rinsing well with clean water. For more stubborn stains, apply a paste of baking soda and water and let it sit for up to an hour.

How do you decalcify a coffee maker with vinegar?

Once a month, you can decalcify your machine by pouring equal parts white vinegar and water into the chamber of your coffee maker and placing a paper filter into the machine's empty basket. Put your pot in place, "brew" the solution halfway, and then turn off the machine. After letting it sit for 30 minutes, turn the coffee maker back on, finish the brewing, and dump the full pot of vinegar and water. Rinse everything out by putting in a new paper filter and brewing a full pot of clean water.

How do you decalcify a coffee maker with descaling solution?

If you want to use descaling solution rather than vinegar and water, then repeat the above steps, the only difference being that you'll fill your coffee maker's reservoir with descaling solution rather than vinegar and water. Both vinegar and descaling solutions work equally well when it comes to descaling, so it all depends on your personal preference.

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Corinne Sullivan

Corinne Sullivan is an Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers a variety of beats, including lifestyle, entertainment, relationships, shopping, and more. She can tell you everything you need to know about the love lives of A-listers, the coziest bedsheets, and the sex toys actually worth your $$$. She is also the author of the 2018 novel Indecent. Follow her on Instagram for cute pics of her pup and bébé.