FOR THE CUP: Tape together the short ends of two poster boards together (the tape goes on the inside, closest to your body). Hot glue white Poly-fil all around the top edge on the outside to make whip cream. Make two shoulder straps with ribbon of your choice and secure to the poster board with staples. Slip arms through straps, wrap around the body, and trim poster board as needed. Secure with sticky-back Velcro.

FOR THE STRAW: Wrap white duct tape around a red pool noodle cut to size to mimic a paper straw design. Slip straw inside the front side of costume and secure with glue or duct tape.

FOR THE CHERRY: Cut thick cardstock in the shape of cherry. Glue pink felt on to the cardstock and trim according to the cherry shape. With hot glue, attached a ponytail holder or hair clip. Slide cherry topper over a high ponytail, or clip on to hair so the cherry faces forward. Under the milkshake costume, wear a white shirt, tights or leggings, and shoes of your choice.

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Amy Mitchell

Amy Mitchell is the managing editor at Country Living Magazine. She writes about a wide range of topics, including homes and lifestyle content.