Calling all stargazers and amateur astronomers: You're in for a treat tonight. According to the ever-reliable Old Farmer's Almanac, a "pink moon" is expected to be visible tonight. The full moon will peak just after midnight at 12:37 A.M. Eastern Time on Thursday, April 6.

There's just one teensy problem: It's not actually pink.

But before you toss your telescopes in the trash, remember that the confusing name mechanism happens all the time. For instance, the Full Strawberry Moon, which comes later in the year, does not, in fact, resemble a strawberry. Nor is it actually red. And September's Full Corn Moon doesn't look like an ear of corn, either. And the Full Worm Moon—well, you get the picture.

Despite the color, the spectacle is still a gorgeous way to get outside and celebrate spring. Here's what to know if you want to see it for yourself.

Where does the Pink Moon get its name, then?

We know what you're thinking: If the pink moniker doesn't actually mean anything, then where does the moon get its name, anyway?

Turns out it's actually named after a North American flowering plant called "moss pink" (or "wild ground phlox"), which tends to bloom around the same time as this recurring full moon's appearance. The Almanac reminds us that these early spring flowers emerge right about now.

In addition to the colorful calling card, April's full moon also has several other names that can be used interchangeably: "sprouting grass moon," "egg moon," and "fish moon."

This year, the Pink Moon is also the Paschal Full Moon, which is the first full moon of the spring season. For those who celebrate Easter, this moon has a special significance, as Easter’s date depends on the date of the Paschal Full Moon.

How can you see this year's Pink Moon?

According to the Almanac, the moon will reach peak fullness at 12:37 A.M. Eastern Time on Thursday, April 6. That means you'll want to get outside tonight and look to the skies.

What's the best soundtrack for Pink Moon gazing?

Nick Drake's "Pink Moon", of course, the title track of his 1972 album.

Katie Bowlby

Katie Bowlby is Digital Director at Country Living, where she covers gift guides, product reviews, crafts, and TV shows like Yellowstone. She’s currently stitching up a cross-stitch pattern for the magazine’s next issue