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1. Problem: That stubborn layer of wallpaper adhesive that won't come off your wall.

Fix: You've spent hours peeling away wallpaper but there are still those few spots of glue standing between you and your new paint job. Mix a solution of hot water and vinegar (80/20) and apply it to your wall with a wet sponge in circular motions. Let the mixture soak for 15 minutes then gently scrape off the glue with a putty knife.

2. Problem: Rough wall textures that make painting a nightmare.

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Fix: After filling in larger holes and dents with spackle, lightly sand off bumps and uneven texture.

3. Problem: Wall paint color ran through your nothing-can-get-through-this painter's tape onto your molding or ceiling.

Fix: It inevitably always happens—that pesky line or drip of paint that made its way through the tape, despite the claims, is making your room look like a 5-year-old's art project. To remove, dip a small paintbrush or the corner of a clean rag in paint remover—be careful to only dampen and not soak it through—then press it on the unwanted paint spot for a few seconds and wipe away. Let the spot dry. Repeat the process as necessary.

4. Problem: Drips of paint that, despite all your efforts, made it onto your brand new light-colored carpet.

Fix: Whether it fell on the one spot you didn't have covered in plastic, or you thought you would "carefully" do some touchups, that unsightly spot on your carpet has got to go. First, soak up the excess paint and try not to spread the stain. Pour distilled vinegar onto a clean cloth and blot the stain until you see it lifting into the cloth. Continue with different parts of the cloth until the paint is gone, then wash the area with warm water and soap.

5. Problem: The never-ending film of dry wall dust that seems to settle everywhere after renovating.

Fix: No matter how many times you sweep or vacuum that thin layer of dust leftover from sanding always haunts a renovation site. After sweeping up as much as you can, use a spray bottle to wet the area and settle fine dust. Then use a wet rag to wipe it off walls, floors, counters and anything else it might have settled on.

6. Problem: Scratches in furniture (and consequently your floor) from moving everything around.

Fix: Yes you could kick yourself for dropping that hammer on your wooden coffee table or dragging that couch across your hardwood floors, but don't worry, those battle wounds can be fixed. For light to medium wood seep black tea until it's the desired color. Use a cotton ball to dab the tea onto the scratch and wipe away theexcess. For darker wood, mix instant coffee and water into a thick paste and dab onto scratch and wipe away excess.

7. Problem: That ring of paint that miraculously appears and won't come off the inside of your sink after washing paintbrushes and rollers.

Fix: Even after thoroughly rinsing a stainless steel sink, a ring of paint appears around the edges. If a second pass of scrubbing with soap and hot water doesn't work, paint thinner or nail polish remover should do the trick. Make sure to wash it off after.

8. Problem: Air bubbles, runs and questionable specs that end up on your freshly-painted walls.

Fix: They are usually caused by dirt or dust on the wall before you painted. The best way to fix these problems is to scrape them off, sand and repaint that area again. Just scrape off the raised areas—no need to repaint a large area.

9. Problem: The former paint color of the room is still on hinges, door handles, light fixtures etc.

Fix: The bright blue color on the door hinges and handles from the previous owners seriously stands out with your room's new look. Instead of buying all new hardware, soak them in a mixture of baking soda and water to lift the old paint and make them shine like new.


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From: House Beautiful US
Headshot of Lindsey Campbell
Lindsey Campbell
I'm the Assistant Social Editor for Elle Decor, House Beautiful and Veranda. I am coffee-obsessed and a lover of travel, photography and all things with color and shine.