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Mandi Gubler/

Subway tile—it's elegant, timeless, and totally trending right now, thanks to Joanna Gaines, but it can also be a total pain to install without professional help in your own home. 

While it can be tricky to DIY, it's totally worth it, and Mandi Gubler, the blogger behind Vintage Revivals, knows this first hand. She recently renovated her laundry room and detailed her own tiling experience on her blog. "I LOVE my laundry room tile," she said. "It was totally worth the learning process."

So what's the biggest challenge when it comes to executing this tile work? Mandi says it's making sure the tile is level and evenly spaced, especially if you are pairing your tile with dark grout lines. "If it's not level, it will stick out like a sore thumb!" she said.

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Her pro tip: "Use a manageably sized level (if you have one that is a yard long it's harder to work with) and to put spacers everywhere!" she said. "I'm talking, every corner on every tile. It might seem like overkill but it helps keep things level and spaced correctly."

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She also recommends considering different tile patterns. You don't have to go with a simple offset joint. You could also experiment with 1/3 step or 1/4 step patterns. You can learn exactly what to do (and learn from Mandi's mistakes!) on Vintage Revivals.

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Jessica Leigh Mattern
Web Editor
Jessica Leigh Mattern is a web editor and writer who covers home, holiday, DIY, crafts, travel, and more lifestyle topics. Prior to working for Country Living, she wrote for several lifestyle and women’s magazines including Woman’s Day, Cosmopolitan, and Redbook